About Me
As a trained complementary therapist, I offer a range of bespoke holistic therapies, designed to help you relax and rebalance. I believe that complementary therapies should not just be seen as an indulgence but as key to helping you to balance the physical and emotional elements of yourself and deal more effectively with the stresses of daily life.

Training and Qualifications
Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology
Level 3 Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology
Reiki levels I & II
Certificate in HypnoReiki
Diploma in Indian Head Massage
Diploma in Ear Candling
Diploma in Hypnotherapy
Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Certificate in Reproflexology (Parts One & Two)
Certificate in Advanced Reflexology
Diploma in Reflexology for the Treatment of Pain (Kruchik Method)
Certificate in Reflexology Lymph Drainage
Certificate in Bach Flower Remedies - Level One
First Aid trained